Monday, August 31, 2009

Day 85

Well, the goal today was to add in the last section and revise, hopefully, the whole thing. Let's see...

1. Outsourced data came out less than stellar. Not anyone's fault. I didn't have high expectations but it's kinda missing a big chunk now.
2. I didn't write in the missing section.
3. Started revising from the very beginning. Wow. You can tell it was written in pieces and out of order. It really doesn't make much sense and there's horrible flow.
4. Revised chapters 1 and 2.

You know what, I decided to stop worrying about the page count and just focus on making it the best document I can make. Well, chapters 1 and 2 actually sound like a smart person who knows what's up wrote it. And I kind of feel proud of those two chapters now. In order to make them flow and be a little clearer, I ended up writing a lot more stuff. Good stuff. And now I have more pages. :) I'm sure tomorrow I will go beyond the shortest thesis ever in the history of the lab (86 pages).

I need to finish and send the thing to my boss tomorrow though. No excuses.

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