Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Day 38

This is both depressing and embarrassing. It's not even day 40 and potential call-outs on my blog no longer motivate me. Well, I don't know, I guess. There haven't been that many call-outs. :P

The paper got over another step but is now languishing. No surprise. I'm too tired to fight that battle so I'm leaving it alone now.

On the plus side, the machines are all working again! I am collecting loads of data (it is what it is, I'll stop labelling data "good" and "bad") this week for my remaining data chapter of the thesis. And right, that second paper I'm supposed to write.

Although it may seem that I've not made progress on my thesis, I have in fact been editing Chapter 2. Gosh that was painfully slow. Surprisingly, I didn't end up cutting enough words to shorten the chapter. I guess I ended up adding them back to clarify statements.


  1. what's wrong with you you've got to keep writing more. more more more. a thesis is like one of those fake horsetracks they have at carnivals, the kind where you have to roll balls into the precise target hole for your horse to advance.

    Only, instead of balls rolling into the hole you need to press buttons on a keyboard to keep your horse moving ok enough analogies more more write write write whiskey write write go time scotch beddy bye
