Thursday, June 18, 2009

Day 10

This is a backdated post.

In a fit of inspiration and lack of free wifi at SFO, I worked on my thesis. So ha! I did manage to get some progress in during vacation time.

I should note that there has been a slight change in accounting.
  • The bibliography page is now included in the count.
  • The page count is rounded to the nearest half page.
  • A self-updating TOC was added on its own separate page.
So, the "drastic" increase in the number of pages is partly explained by new accounting but ALSO explained by the fact that I wrote several more paragraphs. Yeehaw! I'll take victories where I can. The TOC was more fun with figuring out what else Microsoft Word can do. Quite amazing. I never knew....

Does this post sound oddly optimistic? Maybe vacation was a good idea. Or, maybe CALIFORNIA is a good idea.


  1. yeah california def a good idea. and i use the TOC function all the time for reports. it rocks! :)

  2. Well if you wanna get into accounting specifics... is the rounding done on a "floor," "ceiling," or "round" basis?

  3. I second the "California is a good idea" idea.
